Registered Agile Leader@Scale

[ Align, Optimise, Innovate & Deliver ]

17 - 18 May 2024

2 Day Workshop




Agile Leader@Scale course is built around real-world case studies and taught by those who have successfully transformed organizations around the globe. Participants will learn how to effectively and efficiently scale Scrum in their organization by optimizing people, processes, and products through the lens of leadership.

They will also gain a deep understanding of organizational health & design, prioritization & alignment, and efficiency & effectiveness throughout the entirety of this course.

The focus of the Agile Leader@Scale course is on the application of knowledge and skills within and beyond the context of the class. The learning objectives are designed to offer Scrum@Scale instructors an opportunity for reflection on the course content, to set standards by which the success of the course will be evaluated, and to provide effective methods for assessing students’ learning. Instructors should create an interactive and meaningful learning experience that incorporates real-world examples and practical knowledge.

2 Days (7 Hours each day)
1 PM to 8 PM IST
Jeff Stuit
Batch Size
Max 15-20 Participants
Participants Profile
Project Manager, Team Lead, Scrum Master, Emerging Leaders, Management Professionals
Basic Scrum Knowledge
Course Delivery Language
Approach of Delivery
Mix of theory & activity session (Online Training)
Certification Details
2 days of training enables you to appear for the certification exam. Participants would have 2 free attempts for the exam. After clearing the exam, participants would be credentialed as Registered Agile Leader@Scale Practitioner, certificate signed by Dr. Jeff Sutherland.
Accreditation Institute
Agile Education powered by Scrum Inc
Commercials & Logistics
Contact us for Quotations


  • Scrum & Scrum@Scale
  • Foundations of Agile Leadership
  • Organizational Levers & Mega-Outcomes
  • Organizational Culture to Organizational Health
  • Prioritization to Organizational Alignment
  • Refactoring to Organizational Efficiency
  • Delivery to Organizational Effectiveness
  • Achieving Organizational Agility & Sustainment

Learning Objective

  • Understand how Scrum Framework scales across an organization to achieve improved results at an enterprise level
  • State the Scrum Values and explain how they foster a Values-Driven Culture
  • Be able to evaluate the necessity to divide a single large development team into smaller teams
  • Learn to identify the goals, inputs and outputs of Metrics & Transparency in Scrum@Scale
  • Be able to compare and contrast an Agile Leader and a Leader of an Agile Organization
  • Learn to evaluate current organizational state utilizing the 10 Dimensions of Organizational Agility
  • Identify the Scrum@Scale Roles, Responsibilities and Events that are connected to the six Agile Leader Levers
  • Learn examples of techniques an Agile Leader can apply to move the six Agile Leader Levers and achieve Organizational Alignment.
  • Know how the Mega-Issue of Organizational Culture is associated with the Mega-Outcome of Organizational Health
  • Understand and interpret how the 6 Agile Leader Levers affect change to an Organization’s Culture through its People, Processes and Products
  • Explore the Language and Behavioral aspects to lead efficiently and effectively
  • Understand what questions to ask in each phase of the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) Cycle
  • Understand the elements and four phases of "Leading from the Front-Gemba Walk"
  • Learn to identify and measure Key Behavior Indicators
  • Know about common mistakes leaders make while attempting to change organizational culture
  • Be able to analyze the impact leadership mistakes can have on the organization while attempting to change organizational culture
  • Learn to maximize returns through value-based objective prioritization
  • Understand how as an Agile Leader can influence levers to achieve organizational alignment
  • Be able to analyze the impact prioritization mistakes have on an organization
  • Explore where to form Scrum Teams in a Scrum@Scale ecosystem
  • Know about the importance of organizational refactoring to improve production and better respond to changes in the market
  • Learn about the negative impact decision latency has on effective delivery of a product or service
  • Be able to analyze the impact delivery mistakes have on an organization
  • Learn to structure your teams in a Scrum@Scale environment to effectively develop and deliver a minimum viable product
  • Understand how to achieve and maintain an agile transformation


  • Project Manager
  • Team Lead
  • Scrum Master
  • Emerging Leaders
  • Management Professional

Course Deliverables

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Access and complete the Registered Agile Leader@Scale exam.
  • Download their Registered Agile Leader@Scale Credential (upon successful completion of the exam).
  • Be recognized in the International Registry of Agile ProfessionalsTM
  • State the renewal process

Registration Fee

  • 50,000 INR + 18% GST

Want to Participate?

You can reach us to book in-house class
